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Please read application thoroughly and answer all questions fully. Incomplete applications cannot be processed. You cannot save and restart this application. You may want to review the included items, take some time to make notes and gather the required documents, and then return to submit your application.  

The following documents are required: 

  • Official College Transcripts from all schools attended
  • Copy of 2023 or 2024 Federal Tax return
    (Just the first two pages will be fine; we need the household's taxable income. Please black out social security numbers. Please call if you need help understanding your dependency status.)
  • Self-Portrait Essay
  • A Writing Sample
  • Simple Résumé (documentation of extracurricular activities)
  • Two academic letters of recommendation with Cover Forms
  • One activities letter of recommendation with Cover Form
    (You may provide 3 academic letters if you prefer.)
  • Copy of green card, if permanent resident

If you have any questions, please email us at mcnair@westminsteru.edu 

Application will be open until March 31st, 2025 

**Additionally, we accept rolling admissions to our program contingent on availability. 

Statement of confidentiality: The information contained in this application is for the purpose of determining the applicant's eligibility for the McNair Program. All information received is confidential.

Part I: Applicant Information
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name
Date of Birth *
School ID *
Local Address:
Address *
Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Permanent Address (if different from above):
Address 2
Cell Phone *
Emergency Phone Number *
School email Address *
Other email address *
Preferred email address *
Pronouns *
Gender Identity *
If you selected "another gender identity" and would like to say more, write it here:
Racial/Ethnic Data: Please respond to both questions
Ethnicity: Hispanic *
How do you identify your race/ethnicity? You may select more than one of the following:
Race: American Indian/Alaskan Native *
Race: Asian *
Race: Black or African American *
Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander *
Race: White *
Citizenship *
If Permanent Resident or if you have a nuanced situation, please provide a copy of your green card or other relevant documentation

Part II: Academic Information
School: *
Academic Advisor *
Major *
Are you a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Major? *
Year in School *
Semester/Year you plan to graduate with your bachelor's degree *
Do you intend to pursue a graduate degree? *
In what field? *
Do you intend to pursue an MD, JD, or MBA? *
Prior TRIO program participation?
Upward Bound
Talent Search/EOC
Gear Up
Other (specify):
Prior research experience:

Part III: Family Information

To determine eligibility for this program, we require signed photocopies of federal tax returns for the person who claims you as a dependent OR your most recent income tax return if you are an independent student according to the FAFSA. Your FAFSA status is used to determine if you are a dependent or an independent student. Typically, FAFSA does not recognize students as independent until they reach the age of 24. If FAFSA regards you as a dependent student, please submit your family's tax return whether or not your parent(s) claim(s) you as a dependent on their return.

Does someone claim you as a dependent for tax purposes? *
Name of that person and relationship to you:
How many people are in your household? *
What is your taxable household income? *
Most Recent IRS 1040 (with taxable income and household size listed) *
Name of Parent/Guardian 1 *
Highest Level of Schooling Completed *
Name of Parent/Guardian 2 *
Highest Level of Schooling *
Languages spoken by applicant: *
Language(s) spoken at home: *

Part IV: Self-Portrait Essay

Please address the following items as frankly as you can. Limit your essay to a maximum of three typed, double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins and 12 point font. You can choose to answer the questions as one coherent essay or answer each questions in its own paragraph.

  1. How has your status as a low-income, first-generation, and/or underrepresented student affected your educational experiences and trajectory?

  2. Graduate school is a major commitment as well as an exciting opportunity. Why are you interested in graduate school, and why would you consider a doctoral program?

  3. What are your long-range career goals?

  4. One objective of the McNair program is to increase PhD attainment among its target populations. Although a PhD credential can be used for a range of careers, we would like to know if you would consider becoming a professor, and if so, why?

  5. The McNair Scholars Program is a diverse group. Please describe your participation in and understanding of culturally diverse situations or groups.
Submit your Self-Portrait Essay Here: *

Part V: A Writing Sample

Attach a writing sample of at least 3 pages that was completed in the last year. Please choose an academic sample, if possible from a course in your major.

Submit your Writing Sample here: *

Part VI: Documentation of Extracurricular Activities (Simple Résumé)

Activities outside of formal education are important. Please summarize your work history and additional activities including: date, name of the activity, brief description of the activity, (e.g. summer school program in science, part-time job, soccer league, church program), responsibilities, and any accomplishments. Please group your activities into categories (e.g. school organizations, educational enrichment, job history, and community service). Please indicate the approximate time commitment associated with each activity.

Submit your Simple Résumé here: *

Part VII: Letters of Recommendation

Three letters of recommendation need to be completed and sent to the McNair Program at mcnair@westminsteru.edu with the cover sheet attached. At lease two letters should pertain to your academic or research skills and should be from professors familiar with your classroom performance. One letter may pertain to your work history or extracurricular activities. Current or former college teachers, counselors, supervisors, and coaches would be suitable references; family members or personal friends would not be suitable references.

 Be sure to provide each reference with a recommendation cover sheet and instructions for how the scan and email the letters to the McNair Program at mcnair@westminsteru.edu. 

Part VIII: Colleges Attended

Please list all colleges and universities attended. Please indicate if any college credit was received through concurrent enrollment in high school. Transcripts are not required for credit received through concurrent enrollment.

Indicate the name of the institution, the city and state, the dates attended, and the degree(s) earned (e.g. Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT, Aug 2010-May 2013, Bachelor's Degree)
Please upload your transcript here
Please upload any transcripts here
Please upload your transcript here
Are you interested in starting the program and doing a research project during June and July 2025? *
How did you hear about the McNair Scholars Program? *
If other, please specify:

Qualifications and Eligibility (check all that apply):
I have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or significant academic progress in the last 30 credit hours or in my major.
For the upcoming academic year, I will have at least 30 credit hours that count toward my degree, and will be a sophomore, junior, or senior based on credit hours.
I am a low-income, first-generation college student (neither of my parents/guardians graduated from a 4-year college).
I wish to be identified with a particular racial/ethnic group as indicated in Part I of the application.
I am a U.S. Citizen
I am a Permanent Resident of the U.S. or I'm in the process of becoming a permanent resident.

I certify that the information given on this application is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have not attended institutions other than those listed. I understand that I am responsible to arrange for the forwarding of official transcripts from schools I have attended, and that such transcripts become the property of Westminster University and will not be returned. I give Westminster University permission to request transcripts and test scores from other institutions, if necessary.

Signature *
Signature Type: Simple    Start Over
Click here to start signing.
  • Pencil
  • Reset
Signature: (Type in your full name)
I agree to the terms included.
Date *
In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law No. 93-579, 5 U.S.C. 552A), you are hereby notified that the Department of Education is authorized to college information, including Social Security Numbers (SSNs), to implement the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (Pub. Law 102-325, sec. 402A and 402E). In accordance with this authority, the Department receives and maintains personal information on participants in the McNair Program. The principal purpose for collecting this information is to administer the program, including tracking and evaluating participants' academic progress. Providing the information on this form is voluntary; failure to disclose this information will not result in the denial of any right, benefit or privilege to which the participant is entitled. The information that is collected on this form will be retained in the program files and may be released to other Department officials in the performance of their official duties.